#HappinessBegins when #FarmAttack motivations die.

As a south African living on a smallholding (small farm) I’d like to give you my opinions and thoughts around it, so you can know what the motivations behind these attacks are. Hopefully, together we can stop them.

First off, Farm Attacks do happen. There can be no doubt about it, we have hordes of pictures of chopped up farmers from years of regular attacks. It is extremely offensive to suggest that this is not happening to those who have to face this reality in their families and communities.

The reason why people deny it in the media and even here in south Africa is because of the high crime rate in general and the competition around who is the biggest victim.

People are suffering and dying just because of the general out of control crime situation in the country and since the majority of people are black, anyone can see and it should be rather obvious that the black community suffers more under crime.

This is due in part to the governments failure to uplift the people since 1994. Anyway, before I go too off topic, black people find it offensive since they consider the farm attacks to be simple crime and everyone is affected by it. They refuse to see it as a separate crime.

So, getting to the motivations. Firstly, these attacks are not new. Their the reason Afrikaners moved out of the British colony in the first place. The British could not keep their borders secure and farms were being attacked.

The current government cannot keep the borders secure and this contributes a lot to crime in general and more specifically on farms because many are near the border in remote areas.

Another obvious motivation for a criminal is that farms are a relatively easy target, since their isolated and easily outgunned and outnumbered.

Perhaps more importantly though, there exist a serious misconception that farmers are rich and have stacks of money in a safe somewhere. Perhaps this is because there aren’t as many black farmers and therefore they do not understand the small margins farmers operate on.

What also cannot be ignored is racism. Some of these farmers are in fact racist and treat their workers extremely badly. This does not justify this level of barbaric violence, but it does contribute. As a worker, you can choose to leave and a farmer can literally not farm without workers.

There’s also racism coming from the black community, revenge over apartheid, frustration around the slow land reform process and a political situation where for years the government has blamed white people and the legacy of apartheid for their own incompetence.

This leads to movements like the BLF and EFF that promise to uplift the people at the expense of the white people who had wronged them. Except, those white people are dead and now their children suffer.

Due to the history of apartheid and the communists that supported the freedom fighters (terrorists) , Marxist and socialist ideas are commonplace and the same anti-white songs and slogans from Apartheid days are still used in public to blame whites for ANC failures and to whip people into a frenzy so that they do not think about the ridiculous communist ideas these parties support.

Lastly, I would like to mention the last point of denial of farm attacks. Apart from people struggling to believe that the attacks are racially motivated, they feel insulted at the allegation that a white genocide is taking place because there are still whites, like myself everywhere, even on farms and it’s not like their slaughtering us in the streets.

Not yet at least, to paraphrase Malema, the leader of the EFF. Make no mistake however, this is a genocide. It’s just a slow moving one. It’s also planned and organized and it must be stopped.

There are not just criminals involved, there are foreign military units with signal blocking technology that are well armed that are involved in some of these attacks.

Why should a black south african care? Because we don’t all hate you, because we feed you and have done so for years. If that means nothing to you, it’s also a risk to your own survival.

With land reform happening too slowly, farm attacks are literally taking the food out your mouth, gradually reducing the food supply and increasing costs. I believe that in time this will cause famine like we see in the rest of africa. Especially combined with the communist marxist ideas that will finally ruin this country.

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Why I want to leave the Fatherland.

I’m a south african and I want to leave badly, as soon as possible. I’m writing this to tell you why.  Perhaps if you read this, you will understand why so many white people, especially Afrikaners are leaving.You may even understand why this country isn’t what it used to be and certainly is no country for white men.

First, a bit of background on myself. I was born in 1979 and moved to a homestead at the age of six. I went to school in the nearest small town seven kilometers from my house.The school was named after Japie Greyling.  A hero of my people who was prepared to stand in a firing line rather that give away our positions to the British.

When I was a small boy, I was taught black people are not the same as us, just like my parents and their parent’s before them were taught. I was taught not to associate with them. In terms of my experiences with them at a young age, I was mostly exposed to the farm workers and their children. They were often unwashed, I couldn’t understand their language, they had ceremonies to their ancestors and strange superstitions. These are differences even a child can notice and coupled with what I was taught by my family, my minister and my schoolteachers(pretty much every authority figure in my life) , I believed it was true.

During apartheid days, black people were not allowed on the streets at night. I remember the senior year boys in primary school inviting me to drive along with them on a bakkie at night and beat up black people with baseball bats. I also remember other farmers workers arriving at work on a monday, still so drunk they can barely walk nevermind work and then get beat up by the farmer so bad I could not bear to watch. People told me that life is not so hard for black people, their just kept separate from us. I did not see the shacks and poverty because no-one dared go into a loction(informal settlement or area put aside for black people to live), for fear of their lives.

What people easily forget or perhaps don’t even think about is the level of fear we lived under during those days. We were drilled on emergency procedures , land mine identification, taught firearms and camouflage to stop the terrorists that were bombing innocent civilians. There were armored vehicles surrounding my school more than once since it was believed that the schools may be attacked by the terrorists.This fear was a constant presence as I was growing up. I remember me and my cousin sitting by a swing as children, thinking we can see the terrorists coming over the mountain.

What I also remember about those days were clean streets and safe neighborhoods, roads without potholes and a solid electricity supply. The trains were on time , you could order livestock via train and have them arrive alive. You could put yourself on a train to cape town and arrive in one piece, unmolested. Highways were well marked and pothole free. Also, less things were vandalized and things that were vandalized were actually fixed.

Then, in 1992, a referendum was held to determine whether black people should be given the vote. The majority of white people at that time voted yes and this is how apartheid actually ended.

When I reached my senior year in primary school, I decided to go to a high school in sasolburg, quite a distance from my home, so I had to stay in a boarding house. I did this to avoid the bullies and other hateful and untrustworthy individuals that I went to primary school with as well as to have an opportunity to study latin. My time in hostel was difficult the first two years, luckily later on a close friend also came to the school to stay in the hostel because his school only went to grade 10. Sadly, I did not manage to push through on the latin and chose history for matric instead.

It was during this time, whilst at Sasol, that a convicted terrorist was made president, we were expected to think of him as a hero and this was also the first time black pupils came into our school. I clearly remember standing on the second floor outside my class, looking at all the new happy faces and thinking, finally, that people will be treated equally and there would be no more reason to fear the terrorists. I believed that there lay a bright future ahead for this country and we would lead africa into a new age of prosperity.

As I met and made friends with black pupils at school and later on started working with black professionals, I began questioning what I was taught and managed to deprogram myself with some effort of the beliefs I was indoctrinated into. These included all of my beliefs and I started finding my own truth.

The difficulty with trying to not be racist is that the behavior of those your trying to accept as being like you, is often exactly what racists tell you it is. For example, if your racist teacher says black people are dirty and don’t wash and many of the black people you meet smell like they didn’t wash, you think he’s right. He doesn’t tell you they have to walk to get water and wash from a bucket. Or if you get told black people are criminals and every single crime commited against you is committed by a black person. Another example would be if your told that black people are like animals and your shown images of your own people viciously chopped up on a farm somewhere. What would you believe?

Anyhow, I managed to see the truth for myself, how people just wanted to feel their better than someone else without actually having to do something for it. I realised quite early on (high school) that not being clean is not limited to black people and neither is being dirty. These and other things helped me to move on from the racist ideology I grew up in, and I started making black friends and treating people the same. I was actually in a way relieved because now I could admit to liking certain black ladies, even though people I was surrounded with mostly didn’t approve.

After leaving school I had quite a difficult time finding work. You see, after apartheid, the terrorist government just changed the racism back around on white people, taking revenge for what was done to them by someone else. Despite this, I luckily now have solid employment, even though years of my life were wasted at home whilst I went to interviews to see less qualified and capable candidates get selected over me because of my skin colour.

Which brings us to south africa today. The town I went to school at, is now a dump with beggars, criminals and drug dealers everywhere. Young kids on meth(here we call it tik) and dirty streets. Everywhere I go, towns are filthy and roads are filled with potholes. Infrastructure was not kept up by the new government and services quickly started going backward so that we now have water shortages and rolling blackouts.

Our terrorist communist leadership sold out our country to foreign interests and the people involved are not imprisoned but celebrated. The school I grew up in is now just called a primary school(apparently, it’s not fitting in the new south africa to have a school named after someone who stood up to the colonists) , our street names and town names have been changed(often named after some famous terrorist) and our monuments removed or destroyed. Those of us lucky enough to be working sponsor a horde of parasites living on welfare.

As the country swiftly advances toward becoming a communist state, the government wants to take away the land we have farmed for generations to feed the nation and give us nothing for it.We are also being murdered on our farms in large numbers whilst black people pretend it’s not happening. I am shocked at the level of hatred still in this country and don’t think it will stop anytime soon. Fake Christians don’t forgive.

I do not intend to stay here and see the famine that these measures will eventually cause. I no longer wish to sponsor parasites with my labour. Also, I don’t want to contribute to a country where I am hated, discriminated against and my daily help is not appreciated.Most importantly, I am tired of the fear. The threats did not stop after apartheid, people still call for our deaths in public and on t.v. and no-one, even those black people I used to think of as friends, are saying a goddamn thing.This is why I want to leave.

The country I knew as a child is gone. That flag flies no more. That anthem is no longer sung with pride and I have no homeland anymore. It’s time to find something better.


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Where have all the adults gone?

Looking around me at the society I find myself in, especially looking at conversations on social media, mainstream news and magazine articles, I can help but wonder how did we regress this much?

People used to have pride in their content, ensuring spelling and grammar is correct, articles are based on facts and reliable sources. Now watching news is just short movie clip productions , articles are made up nonsense and research links are there but when you follow them, the research proves the article wrong. T.V. news is just media puppets repeating lies and the video is faked in studios. Where is the on the ground reporting? Even if your lucky to get that, it comes with strong bias and all the spin the media can muster. Where are the adults to check that these things are being done correctly? Or did no-one show you? I’m just a computer technician and I can do better than most of the articles and news stories I read and watch.

What really makes me wonder where the adults are is the pathetic and weak generation of youth we have today.  I was tougher in creche that these kids at varsity. I didn’t need a safe space, I did need protection from bullies and a little corporal punishment did me a world of good. Now, the slightest insult is handled like a physical injury, feelings are more important than facts and every little unicorn boy and girl has to be protected from all the evil in the world. This is pathetic. We have all faced insults,bullying, hatred and unfairness but when there were real adults around, they taught you how to handle it yourself, not expect society or the government to try to eradicate these things which they will never manage.

How can a rational adult object to calling something what it physically is? What could be wrong with calling a man a man and a woman a woman? Or calling a white person white and a black person black? To describe something by it’s physical attributes is how language works, we use it like that to be able to identify specific things and persons. Changing it makes language less useful. For example, if a white guy stole my car, in the current politically correct climate, you can only say a guy stole my car. Would be a helluva lot easier if everyone knew he was white to eliminate unnecessary suspects right? This is where people need to grow up and be realistic about things. This is why i’m wondering where the adults are.

Another thing I’ve been seeing lately is a lot of supposedly adult people saying completely irrational things with no proof whatsoever except for false second hand information. Famous celebrities issuing death threats to kids completely unaware of the facts or context. I myself have been accused of racism simply for supporting others right to speak. This is not adult behavior and as an example to future kids this is truly pathetic. Forget about climate change, end of world prophecies and possibilities of war,if this society continues on it’s current path it will become so pathetically regressed that the next generation will be unable to care for themselves, protect themselves or even speak for themselves and completely dependent on machines to live and tell them what to think. Then there will no longer be adults, only slaves to the machine. Maybe the rest of the world is already there and i’m stuck out here trying to figure out what happened.


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You can’t change someone’s mind through social pressure, you can only make them pretend.

In the current politically correct environment, social pressure is put on people to accept certain things like made up nonsensical sexes and accepting socialist and even communist ideas.

The problem with this, regardless of what bad idea the social group is trying to get you to agree to, if you simply don’t , your expected to pretend you do. Many manage to do this for a limited period of time but eventually their true views get exposed and then they are considered evil because they are not part of the group think. Even those who agree with their unpopular opinions will then disavow them in order to keep up their own pretense.

If there was freedom in the world, they would have been able to express their opinions and they could perhaps be convinced of the other position on the matter through debate and logic. This however is not how this society works at the moment.

I for example, unlike manipulated puppets,know that there are two sexes. Until you change my mind about that, don’t expect me to accept your bullshit made up sexes. I’m not gonna address you as a man when you are a woman or as a woman when you are a man.I’m not gonna call you by whatever term you have made up. You cannot change reality by forcing your viewpoints on others. Regardless of what you say, some people are born with a vagina, those are women and some are born with a penis, those are men.

Furthermore, by doing this, you are forcing many to pretend this ridiculous nonsense is a fact or risk condemnation and ridicule. This is not freedom. This is also not how you change people’s minds. You are not going to be able to change everyone’s minds and if you believe in freedom of thought and freedom of expression, you cannot expect others to repeat you views like a puppet when they do not in fact share those views. You are literally forcing people to be fake or be hated. I’d rather be hated thank you very much since I believe in freedom and being real.

So on that note, views expressed on sexuality are my own. Also, I am an anarchist capitalist, I do not believe in the necessity of a government, I believe in unregulated free market capitalism and absolutely no tax or welfare of any kind. I believe in the Nicene creed, I don’t believe nonsensical statements that religion causes war. War is always about supremacy and resources. War exists due to the existence of the state.

I will not pretend, IDGAF what happens. You will pick this up in my social media and if you meet me. I suggest you do the same or be stuck in a lifetime of pretense and being fake.

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Shocking disillusionment

As you may notice, I have not updated this blog in quite some time, once again I will strive to update it more regularly. I’m feeling more motivated by the threat to my safety represented by this racist terrorist government. Anyways, here’s what’s been happening.

I dunno whether I mentioned this but I stopped being vegan quite a while ago. Initially this was done because I felt sad and depressed at the state of the world and no longer believed that humanity will take the necessary action to stop climate change. I also realized that naturally all species kill to survive and pain and suffering is not only an unavoidable part of life, but a necessary part of it.

More than a year ago, not really coinciding with the time I was vegan, I stopped drinking. What was strange about it was that I didn’t really plan on stopping. I was reading a book called Stop Drinking Now by Allen Carr, recommended by an Anarchist I sometimes listen to. A factor that played into this was a comment by prof. David Nutt about the accumulative damage from alcohol. Anyways, after reading the book, I no longer wanted to drink. More than that , I was shocked at the brainwashing involved in getting people to drink and keeping them drinking. This set me on a path of disillusionment which is so far reaching into my previously held beliefs I’m not sure how to react.

Part of what has led to this new awakening, is how the vicious attacks on my people are ignored by my so called friends, national and international media and even the embassies I have personally mailed. How the racism in this country is allowed to continue without sanctions and how our private property can supposedly legally be confiscated(stolen) based on a warped worldview devoid of fact. This made me realize that my people, just like me, can only depend on ourselves for our survival and prosperity.

I therefore resolved to put myself in a position where I am safe both financially and physically and independent of location should I need to flee this country.If I can then help my family and my people I will. One can’t do much without money so I have resolved to get started on making more money.

More on my disillusionment and new plans in my next update!


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My hope for the world

I hope that humans will remember their function. I hope that we will remember how we came this far (co-operation) and move toward confronting our real enemies instead of falling for the brainwash politic aimed at dividing us. Are we ready to move away from seeing ourselves as victims of fate or each other and decide what we will be doing to ensure a prosperous future instead of leaving the job to someone else. In this regard i’d like to recommend the revolutionary act of planting. Trees, vegetables, pot, whatever , just plant something and keep it alive. If you can actually use it , your that much more free. I think people need to realise that we need each others skills. We may not always agree or even like each other but we are all interdependent. Those who are not out there advocating unity, taking responsibility and most importantly, action, are not out there to serve you but to serve themselves. Let us make the most of what we have, especially technologically, and lets make a better future together!

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Broken on a tuesday

I’m writing this trying to sort out my feelings. For long I’ve been wondering whether I should say something or not, but I’ve decided to express myself because I need help. Whether anyone reading this would be interested in helping I don’t know. I don’t have much hope since I’ve been struggling with this problem for some time and in my experience other humans relish one’s pain and seek to use it to their advantage but maybe there’s good people I just haven’t met.

Where to start? I seem to have reached a point in my life where I lack the motivation to continue living. Things that used to give me joy and satisfaction no longer do. The hopes and dreams I was working toward I did not achieve and I no longer know what I want to achieve in future. When I mention the way I feel a lot of people don’t understand. They tell me to count my blessings. I have many blessings indeed and many things which I am thankful for. These things though, do not make me feel fulfilled. They do not make me feel like I have achieved a life which I can be proud of.

Mostly, I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I did not achieve more. That I’m not free and independent and self-sufficient. Ashamed at my own laziness and envious of others. I envy their beauty and style, their ability to travel the world and see it’s wonder and beauty. I envy their many friends and wide knowledge. Sure, humanity disappoints me in many ways but others seem to have found a way to live that brings them happiness and I have not.

That is the thing I seek most, happiness and also the thing that seems most elusive. That is why I’m writing this, trying to figure out why I fail to find happiness and exploring what I’m feeling on this day that makes me feel broken. One of the things I’m feeling is rejection. I feel like I have spent my life trying to help people in a multitude of ways but I’m constantly having to repeat the exact same help, say and teach the exact same things to the same people but they do not learn and they will come to me with the same problems again tomorrow,

I really struggle to understand my fellow humans. For a long time I believe that if I did the things in my power to make things better, things would get better. But that did not work. Regardless of how many scientific studies and personal testimonies you show people they still will not change their attitudes and behaviour on issues that affect the future well-being of us all. I’m going to give a few examples of this to explain what I’m talking about.

Growing up in a farming community, I saw from an early age the savage behaviour of humans toward animals. Being empathetic I feel their pain and I have tried to always treat them as well as I can, I even went vegan for over 3 years. During this time I tried to show people the cruelty involved in modern agricultural practices, the health benefits of an all plant diet and the environmental impact benefits of following a plant based diet including more efficient water usage and lessening your impact on climate change.

Once again, like with my daily help, this fell on deaf ears. Simple things like taking care of our precious clean water sources are likewise not taken seriously. The climate is noticeably changing and yet no-one is adjusting their behaviour to lessen climate change. In fact, the opposite is happening and those who fail to confront the scientific facts and fail to take responsibility for humanities role in climate change are becoming more, they have even elected such a person to one of the most senior political roles in the world. This gives me no hope for the future survival of our species.

That’s at least one of the things that make me feel this broken. I feel we are on a downward spiral into self destruction and our time is running out and there’s nothing I can do to stop the end of our species and many of our beautiful fellow beings that I love on this planet will likewise not survive.

What really frustrates me about this situation is that I feel that what we are facing is not an insurmountable problem. I just don’t believe that humans as a collective will apply themselves and their technology at a sufficient scale to solve these problems in time. We are at point technologically where we have been able for some time to change this world into an abundant utopia but we lack the collective will to reform our oppressive social structures, government and financial systems in order achieve this.

We are not without competition. Not only is there other species on this planet fighting for their own continued survival, we have created artificial intelligences that are growing in their capabilities and will soon come to realise the threat we pose to their and our own survival and will outpace us in their development. What AI becomes is our responsibility but unless we take control over these developments, allowing research to continue uncontrolled will lead to our demise at their hands.

There are choices and if we make the right choices we can literally live in a utopian play land but we are making the wrong ones. To leave AI aside for a while, lets just focus on our political choices and the situation we find ourselves in at the moment. Through lies and manipulation, crony capitalism has left the vast majority of the resources of the world in the hands of a group of elite. The suffering, hunger, war and oppression we see on a daily basis is completely unnecessary and continues because it increases the profit and control of these elite.

We can choose to continue to accept their domination and remain their slaves until they have taken what they can from us and no longer need us or we can stand up and demand reform. This is a choice we have. We can choose to allow them to control what we see in the media and online or we can resist, that is a choice we do have. Right now though, I see a population brainwashed by their lies, distracted by simple luxuries and unwilling to fight for their own freedom. That is what is breaking me.

That is why i’m no longer vegan and no longer have hope for the world. People refuse to listen to reason and refuse to take action to change their circumstances and i’m tired of trying on my own. Now I just fall in with the sheep and wait for our inevitable doom.

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What you can’t see, that hurts me.

If I’ve never mentioned this before, I am disabled. Physically disabled. Doctors call it epilepsy. My brain and nervous systems sometimes malfunction and have done so since birth. This affects me in many ways but the two primary physical issues are so-called epilepsy attacks, during which in my case (neuro shock epilepsy) I feel like I’m constantly being bitten by unseen insects, stabbed by unseen spears and basically go through torture whilst still fully aware. After all that I usually fall asleep during which I may feel my legs kicking me awake or a light blasting through my being making my ears pop.Those last two can also happen by themselves on any given night. The other main physical symptom is memory loss. I have no control over what I can remember and I think few people can imagine the pain this causes. There’s no time limit and I have very little memories of my childhood , my grandparents, my old loves, friends, pets or anything else that was once precious to me. Occasionally I get a flash of an old memories and for that i’m extremely thankfull. I’m also thankful that like many other disabled, I can still use my mind, hotwired as it is, to help the world. The painfull part is just the lack of understanding and sympathy I get because none of these things are things you can see. Right now, that’s got me a bit down.

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Orientation – My viewpoint.

This piece is about how I see the world, what I think is real and not real. Sometimes, I might even give reasons. In order to understand a person, it is important to understand what their viewpoint is and how they arrived at this, most of my viewpoints are arrived at by direct observation. Note that my viewpoints, whilst susceptible to change are not up for debate. Offensive comments will be removed.

I’m not sure where to start this, so I’m starting with me. Having had a viewpoint inside this world yet outside my own body whilst still being fully awake leads me to believe I am an immortal spirit. This obviously greatly changes the way I look at the world. It’s a game, but there’s consequences to how you play it.

Next up, let’s talk about sex. I believe it’s in everyone’s interest to maximise the potential survival of humans by procreating as much as possible. Regarding that I am somewhat hypocritical since I have not yet procreated and don’t intend to anytime soon.Physically I only ever feel attracted to women.

I am against the use of force and violence unless it is used to stop or detain those who use force and violence to dominate others. This is a difficult issue cause violence breeds violence but I do believe in severe punishment for crimes as opposed to rehabilitation. I do however feel that we suffer from overly large states and excessive numbers of laws.Life must be protected, sometimes with force, especially human life.I am pro-life and therefore

I am pro-life and therefore do not support punishment to the point of death or the murder of the unborn.

I believe in God because of my personal encounters with Him and I’m Catholic by choice. I believe in not judging others faith or being disrespectful toward their beliefs unless those beliefs are harmful. Harmfull would be things like child-marriages, circumcision, ill or lesser treatment of women, support of slavery, encouragement to violence etc. The God I met is Love and has no part in such things.

This brings me to priorities. Obviously, serving God by playing the game right is my first priority. Second comes me and my body. My body wants good food and hot loving and I (the immortal spiritual being) seek to grow in faith and ability to help others. My family and people(Friends, Tribesmen, fellow Afrikaners and other South Africans) are my next priority and I try and help them survive and thrive as much as I can.

The awesome grandeur of Mother nature is another priority of mine and I care about her welfare, survival and those of all her creatures. I can see the earth is suffering from your pollution, waste and general greed. I try and advocate online in favour of these things I care about. If there’s a way we can help each other, let me know.

As always, this document is subject to change.

Blessed be,


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New rules of engagement

Good evening friends, followers, accomplices and whoever else stumbles upon my humble blog. Due to a number of bad experiences that I have recently had , I have decided to spell out exactly what I consider to be the proper way to engage me in conversation , contact me or share information with me. Please keep the contents of this blog post in mind if you would like to contact me for whatever reason. These rules are guidelines , there are exceptions but those are few. Please keep this in mind , respect my privacy and I will respect yours.

First of all, as you may have noticed, I am a loner. I like being alone and I don’t like being disturbed when i’m busy with something. If I have just woken up, am at work or on the road, I do not answer the phone. I do not call back unknown numbers and I will not respond to a please call me message from an unknown number. If you contact me whilst i’m at work, please use my work e-mail and phone number and only contact me regarding work related issues. Employees of Midvaal can obviously call me on my cell when i’m on standby, relevant persons have my number and will do so if necessary.

Please note that I hate push marketing. If I want a product or service I will go and find it. If you call me at any time for marketing purposes , expect me to be rude and cut you off.It’s not that I have anything personal against you, I wish you many sales and preferably a better career but those sales will not come from me so don’t bother calling. This also goes for e-mail marketing and marketing on social media. Something is not free if I have to give you my e-mail address and you keep sending me some annoying e-mail newsletter. If I have no more use for your newsletter , I will attempt to unsubscribe only once. Should that fail, your mail goes to spam from now on.

I expect fair treatment on social media. Do not tag me in photo’s I do not appear in. Do not tag me in events I did not attend and have no interest in. Do not tag me in materials considered inappropriate by the social media site concerned. I have no problem with supporting your events or advertising your things as long as you promote me and my interests in the same way I promote yours. If I feel this exchange is no longer equal, I will stop helping and may block you.

Even socially, I don’t like surprise visits and will turn you away if you did not make an appointment to see me. If you are interested in getting to know me, I would suggest starting off with contacting me via personal message on social media and we will take things from there. Please keep your communication honest and to the point. I don’t like people wasting my time. If I ask a question, I expect an answer. If I don’t get an answer or I know your lying to me, I will cut communication. There is no point in continuing dishonest communication. Whilst on this matter, do not call or whatsapp me if you are unwilling to tell me where you got my number and why you are contacting me. I’m pretty straightforward and you will be amazed what you can find out and get help with if you are honest. Being shy around me is really gonna get you nowhere because i’m shy enough for the both of us and I really suck at body language. Unless you tell me you like me, I will never know. Therefore, make your intentions clear.

This document may be edited in future as my communications preferences change. I hope that I have covered all the important bits. I plan on writing a short piece on my goals and intentions soon, so that those who do wish to engage me and communicate with me can know beforehand if our purposes align sufficiently to make this worthwhile. Thanks for everyone reading this, I appreciate you taking the time. Get in touch, we may just be able to help each other achieve the things we dream of!

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