Orientation – My viewpoint.

This piece is about how I see the world, what I think is real and not real. Sometimes, I might even give reasons. In order to understand a person, it is important to understand what their viewpoint is and how they arrived at this, most of my viewpoints are arrived at by direct observation. Note that my viewpoints, whilst susceptible to change are not up for debate. Offensive comments will be removed.

I’m not sure where to start this, so I’m starting with me. Having had a viewpoint inside this world yet outside my own body whilst still being fully awake leads me to believe I am an immortal spirit. This obviously greatly changes the way I look at the world. It’s a game, but there’s consequences to how you play it.

Next up, let’s talk about sex. I believe it’s in everyone’s interest to maximise the potential survival of humans by procreating as much as possible. Regarding that I am somewhat hypocritical since I have not yet procreated and don’t intend to anytime soon.Physically I only ever feel attracted to women.

I am against the use of force and violence unless it is used to stop or detain those who use force and violence to dominate others. This is a difficult issue cause violence breeds violence but I do believe in severe punishment for crimes as opposed to rehabilitation. I do however feel that we suffer from overly large states and excessive numbers of laws.Life must be protected, sometimes with force, especially human life.I am pro-life and therefore

I am pro-life and therefore do not support punishment to the point of death or the murder of the unborn.

I believe in God because of my personal encounters with Him and I’m Catholic by choice. I believe in not judging others faith or being disrespectful toward their beliefs unless those beliefs are harmful. Harmfull would be things like child-marriages, circumcision, ill or lesser treatment of women, support of slavery, encouragement to violence etc. The God I met is Love and has no part in such things.

This brings me to priorities. Obviously, serving God by playing the game right is my first priority. Second comes me and my body. My body wants good food and hot loving and I (the immortal spiritual being) seek to grow in faith and ability to help others. My family and people(Friends, Tribesmen, fellow Afrikaners and other South Africans) are my next priority and I try and help them survive and thrive as much as I can.

The awesome grandeur of Mother nature is another priority of mine and I care about her welfare, survival and those of all her creatures. I can see the earth is suffering from your pollution, waste and general greed. I try and advocate online in favour of these things I care about. If there’s a way we can help each other, let me know.

As always, this document is subject to change.

Blessed be,


About psipriest

Man on a mission of self discovery , personal and spiritual growth. I've been a loner most of my life and I'm hoping to find like minded patrons to join me in my adventures and/or sponsors. This website exists so I can try help people on their own journeys.
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