#FeesMustFall – my thoughts.

Since i’m in a slighty more mundane phase at the moment, i’ve decided to share my thoughts on #FeesMustFall on this forum. If your interests are as they should be, exlusively spritual, this post is not for you, since it mostly concerns my current political thoughts which are apt to change quite easily.

I think firstly that the seeming popularity of this movement amongst students, demonstrate a lack of understanding(or maybe it’s a different viewpoint) of what goverment actually is. Hopefully this explanation will be simple enough. We were all born somewhere, as far as I know at this point, not by choice. A large number of people with weapons then demanded that your parents register your birth (no choice), give you a name(You had no choice) and declare you an asset of a corporation known by the name of your country. From this point forward, you are placed in a training and obedience center, usually for 12 years in order to become a willing and able accomplice to abovementioned people with weapons. If you go in for some extra training, they will trust you with more power to control others, your opinion will count more than those without extra brainwash (you will be considered an authority figure or media idol). You then get to slave away at keeping their unsustainable system running until you wear out and die.

If you have read the above with understanding, you should be able to deduce that whilst I applaud any efforts to fight the class system which is re-enforced by keeping the poor uneducated, there is no point in destroying a current system of knowledge distribution(which is what you are doing) in favor of the exact same system except now, I have to sponsor your brainwash and it’s fully controlled by masses of people (democracy!) with weapons? It’s bad enough that I am somehow expected to help you survive and to sponsor your initial 12 year programming cycle, now you expect more programming and I must pay for it? Do you realise you are fighting to make the system worse?

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Hell or Negativity?

As you can probably see, this blog has not been updated regulary. I’m still getting into this blogging thing and deciding between platform. Been thinking about becoming a youtuber too. Problem is, I don’t think it would be good to spread a negative message, which would be a truthfull representation of how i’m feeling at the moment. Which brings me to the topic. For some time now, that I have felt that life is increasingly difficult , pointless and hopeless, I have been wondering if our existence here, on earth in meat bodies is not in fact hell, a prison of some sort. There are plenty occult references to this idea but that’s not what this post will be about.

I am wondering whether my belief that there is no hope for this world, no point to my existence and no reason to stand up and fight against the difficulties I find myself confronted with stems from the reality of my situation or whether it stems from my perception of it.

So what makes me think that this is hell? I was born into a very unbalanced world, poor when opportunies go to the rich and their children. From my earlies days at creche, I was an outcast , different and not accepted by my peers. My views being radically different and my rebellion against authority starting early and growing ever strongs. Today , at age 36, i’m still rejected for not accepting authority and not following mainstream ideas about religion, lifestyle and monogamy.

I’m am deeply indebted to a criminal banking system and I am being discriminated against in the land of my forefathers. Filling the same junior technician post since 1999, just with different company’s (now government, especially ironic for an anarchist but that’s all I can get) and getting increased duties but not sufficiently increased pay to even come close to paying my debt, getting additional training and leaving this country where my people (Afrikaners) are being lawfully discriminated against by means of affirmative action and BEE and murdered at an incredible rate, a genocide which is being denied by liberals and the world in general.

As for the wider world racism is increasing, fueled by an immigrant crises created by the elite to inspire further cultural division so that we focus on that instead of dismantling their criminal control system.

No comes the part where i’m hoping someone out there is going to at least raise an opinion or advise me on how to move forward. It has occured to me that it might just be my perception that his is how things are and my negative attitude has cause me to focus on these things instead of the blessings I have in my life.

So let’s get into some of the things i’m thankfull for. I have parent’s who still love and support me despite extremely challenging times. They don’t neccesarily trust me, or I them, but we live together (can’t afford to move out and I feel it’s safer on the farm with me there) and help each other. I am also thankfull to have a job, a roof over my head and a decent plate of food after a hard days work. I have plenty of entertainment options to keep me busy, despite not having money for the latest in tech (really annoying when your a pc technician) like a decent tablet, pc, 4k bigscreen, console, good smartphone etc. But I do have the work laptop and a Sony E1.

I can also for the most part be myself 24/7 without having to pretend, so that good. Now I just need to get myself motivated or keep suffering through hell until death do us part. Your thoughts on this would be highly appreciated.


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African realities

I have been having some technical difficulties, service delivery is not great here in South Africa, but at least I can make an update today.

My lesson that I learned this week is twofold, first lesson, don’t let people upset you. It does nothing to someone if your angry at them but it uses up your valuable time and resources. In my case it was a thousand rand and a sleepless night before I just decided to forgive and let it go. Now, I can focus on important stuff, like my job and this blog.

The second lesson is don’t sell yourself short. You may be a lot more skilled , usefull and popular than you think. Just because people don’t always show appreciation (monetary or otherwise) or give you fair exchange does not devalue what you put on the table. If their not buying, sell to someone that knows what something is worth.

This goes for your personal life too. If people don’t appreciate you, ignore them (lesson 1 ,don’t get upset) and spend your love and energy on those who do appreciate you. If you don’t who they are, look for them. Trust me , they are there. It might just not be who you expect, but your fans are out there.

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The blog is back!

Hi all! I’ve decided to start up this blog again, I initially intended it to be an ongoing thing but life just got in the way.  I look forward to sharing relevant content and my own experiences and thoughts on my journey through life with my readers on a more regular basis starting today. So please check back often and I hope you find something of eternal value here that you can use in your life to grow spiritually.

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The Naked Shaman – Episode 11 – The Magical Meaning of Halloween

Source: The Naked Shaman – Episode 11 – The Magical Meaning of Halloween

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Shamanism and The Spiritual Path

Source: Shamanism and The Spiritual Path

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Jerry Koch Released from Prison

Source: Jerry Koch Released from Prison

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Question & Answer Session with a Scientologist: Lifestyle, Motivation, Family & Education

Source: Question & Answer Session with a Scientologist: Lifestyle, Motivation, Family & Education

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What Is Meditation?

Source: What Is Meditation?

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An epileptic monday.

I wake up in the cold winter, snug but in pain. Can hear my mom scrambling around the room, getting my stuff ready for me to go to work. The epileptic shocks are not frequent yet, but quite painful. The inner battle commences, can I work through this. I try stay aware for a bit. Doesn’t work. Mom comes in again and now, i’m later. I tell her I am having an attack. The interrogation starts, she always suspects me of faking it. Makes me wish she would get it just once to know what it feels like. Like it’s something one would fake. Anyhow, I manage to keep my awareness together enough to send a message to my boss. Then it comes, shocks intensify and I curl up like a baby, waiting for it to pass. At some point, I lose consciousness. I dream about another world. It’s a place i’ve been before. A many roomed house with strange passages and hidden toilets. Lifts that go to secret places. I remember the ocean, but no specifics. Wake up at around 4pm. Confused. Eat breakfast slowly, dad’s here. Once again he blames my irregular schedule. He’s probably right. Anyway, life goes on. Hope it doesn’t come again soon. Will be working on that schedule.

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