Shocking disillusionment

As you may notice, I have not updated this blog in quite some time, once again I will strive to update it more regularly. I’m feeling more motivated by the threat to my safety represented by this racist terrorist government. Anyways, here’s what’s been happening.

I dunno whether I mentioned this but I stopped being vegan quite a while ago. Initially this was done because I felt sad and depressed at the state of the world and no longer believed that humanity will take the necessary action to stop climate change. I also realized that naturally all species kill to survive and pain and suffering is not only an unavoidable part of life, but a necessary part of it.

More than a year ago, not really coinciding with the time I was vegan, I stopped drinking. What was strange about it was that I didn’t really plan on stopping. I was reading a book called Stop Drinking Now by Allen Carr, recommended by an Anarchist I sometimes listen to. A factor that played into this was a comment by prof. David Nutt about the accumulative damage from alcohol. Anyways, after reading the book, I no longer wanted to drink. More than that , I was shocked at the brainwashing involved in getting people to drink and keeping them drinking. This set me on a path of disillusionment which is so far reaching into my previously held beliefs I’m not sure how to react.

Part of what has led to this new awakening, is how the vicious attacks on my people are ignored by my so called friends, national and international media and even the embassies I have personally mailed. How the racism in this country is allowed to continue without sanctions and how our private property can supposedly legally be confiscated(stolen) based on a warped worldview devoid of fact. This made me realize that my people, just like me, can only depend on ourselves for our survival and prosperity.

I therefore resolved to put myself in a position where I am safe both financially and physically and independent of location should I need to flee this country.If I can then help my family and my people I will. One can’t do much without money so I have resolved to get started on making more money.

More on my disillusionment and new plans in my next update!


About psipriest

Man on a mission of self discovery , personal and spiritual growth. I've been a loner most of my life and I'm hoping to find like minded patrons to join me in my adventures and/or sponsors. This website exists so I can try help people on their own journeys.
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